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Sharalee Regehr
Esther: For Such a Time as This

Esther: For Such a Time as This

Esther: For Such a Time as This By Sharalee Regehr
September 29th, 2024


Who knows whether you were not to come to this royal estate for such a time as this?  Esther 4:14

As an historical character, Esther is an extraordinary heroine who delivers her nation from genocide; as a woman, she is a rare and admirable individual, a mixture of charm, strength and guile; a human being whose character is secure and not tainted by wealth, prosperity and power.

Esther had been an orphan and was raised by her uncle Mordecai who reared her as his own daughter. Esther was always obedient to her uncle and even after she became queen, sought his practical advice.

Mordecai had made the girl conceal her nationality from the king because it was against the law for a Persian to marry a foreigner. She kept this promise until the opportune time came. Her Hebrew name was Hadassah meaning, myrtle. Her name was later changed to Esther which is “sether” meaning “to hide”.

Esther is such an amazing person and sheds light on so much of what it is to be a normal person who can find yourself being called upon to do extraordinary things. She is an incredible listener and is aware of her surroundings in a way that allows her the opportunity to find a way to effect real change. She is also a person who seeks out the advice of her elder and listens to that advice, something which can be easier said than done. She also never forgets where she came from and where her loyalty lies. Just because she is the Queen does not mean the essence of who she is has changed. It may not always be possible or advisable to share who we are but as we see through Esther, being honourable and authentic to our values and beliefs is extremely important. We may not know why or how it will be used but with the patience Esther we will be well served.

This work was done with watercolour and collage on paper.

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